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Application of RFID Technology in Logistics

Application of RFID Technology in Logistics

May 16,2022
E-commerce has driven the development of RFID technology in the logistics process due to the visibility and interactivity provided by e-commerce, resulting in a better experience for customers.

Radio frequency identification (RFID) allows us to locate and monitor products automatically. Most versions consist of radio signals exchanged between an optical scanner or RFID product and the tag. This data is also broadcast simultaneously from the cloud to various distribution systems, designed to provide real-time tracking and full control.

The retail industry started using this tool in 1999, and although it was more expensive to implement compared to barcode labels, it was not used on a large scale. Bit by bit, RFID developers solved this problem and were able to drastically reduce costs, which had a positive impact on sales.

At the same time, e-commerce has exponentially driven the use of this technology, which helps to play a role in the decision-making process in terms of supply efficiency, inventory management, and freight transportation and scheduling.

Often, companies that do not use RFID technology face inventory shrinkage (caused by errors, damage, loss, or theft), inaccurate inventory information, picking errors, and shipping confusion. All of these issues lead to other issues that affect business growth and relationships with customers and prospects.

RFID readers can be used in different industries, including maintenance, pharmaceutical, aviation, transportation, and hospitality, offering the following benefits:

Positioning is more accurate.

Gain greater control over merchandise with real-time visibility into product status.

Increased visibility across the supply chain, including logistics companies and backup warehouses.

Optimize warehousing by reading labels on shipments and deliveries.

Improved inventory management due to scanning and recording of payment processes at the warehouse.

Return on investment is close to 10%.

Reduce labor costs.

Ability to perform inspections without physical exploration.

Reduced time for warehouse and distribution center registration processes.

Merchandise transportation management from remote centers.

Optimize internal processes such as batch, date, and property management.

Fast labeling and packaging.

Lower operating costs.

Real-time reporting (big data) with assured information.

All of these benefits lead to improved logistics visibility, maximum productivity, and higher operational quality.
This is how RFID technology enables interconnection between suppliers and producers to provide consumers with a better shopping experience and access to the necessary information to ensure better selling decisions.

The above describes the application of RFID readers in logistics and the benefits it can provide. If you want to know more or buy an RFID reader, please contact us.

Yanzeo is a professional custom RFID reader manufacturer. Customize exclusive barcode RFID for customers and provide various solutions. Through the data interpretation of changes in the information environment of modern society, we effectively overcome the difficulties and topics of barcode RFID technology, develop and design industry-leading barcode RFID products, help customers calmly cope with the challenges brought by accurate identification and various identification obstacles, and always protect customers. good experience.
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