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Application of RFID Smart Toolbox and RFID Handheld Terminal in Aviation Maintenance

Application of RFID Smart Toolbox and RFID Handheld Terminal in Aviation Maintenance

Apr 1,2022
  • For a long time, safety accidents caused by poor tool management in aviation maintenance work have occurred from time to time, which seriously affected flight safety.
  • At present, maintenance personnel still use general toolboxes of various sizes to arrive at the maintenance site for direct work. According to the procedure of "three inventory" of tools, manual inventory tools are required. The occasion is more complicated, and the manual inventory work can no longer meet the needs of the safety management of maintenance tools, while the RFID radio frequency identification technology is characterized by the use of radio technology to realize the identification of stationary or moving objects, so as to determine the identity and extraction of the objects to be identified. Based on these characteristics, the introduction of RFID technology into the management of aviation maintenance can effectively solve the problem of precise control of maintenance tools on the maintenance site.
  • When actually attending the aviation maintenance task, the staff only needs to bring the RFID smart toolbox (in which various maintenance tools installed with electronic tags are placed) and the handheld RFID reader. When in use, the staff opens the toolbox by swiping a card or logging in with a password, and directly takes out the tools that need to be used. After the box is closed, the system automatically counts and generates a loan record; when returning it after use, the staff logs in by swiping a card or password, etc. Open the toolbox and put the tools you need back directly. After the box is closed, the system will automatically take inventory, generate a return record, and automatically detect the unreturned tool list reminder. At this time, use the handheld RFID reading and writing terminal to find the lost tools. , greatly improve work efficiency, ensure that the number and number of tools returned are consistent with the out-of-warehouse list, so as to monitor the return and use of maintenance tools, and prevent the omission of tools on the aircraft and cause flight safety hazards.
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  • RFID technology is a non-contact automatic identification technology. It has the characteristics of non-contact, long-distance, and fast reading of multiple tags. It has a significant application effect in the field of tool management. Safety hazards caused by accidental loss.
  • Using RFID technology, RFID electronic tags are installed on each tool, and the tools are put into mobile devices such as tool carts and tool boxes integrated with RFID reading equipment, which solves the problem that the use of tools cannot be supervised during outdoor and line-side operations. However, the warehouse RFID management, smart toolbox cabinets and RFID smart shelves solve the traceability management of tools used in warehouse operations. The whole program accurately and effectively collects the data of people, time and items, and combines the software system to track and trace to prevent the loss of tools.
  • In addition to RFID smart toolboxes and handheld RFID read-write terminals, there are also RFID smart tool cabinets, tool carts, smart shelves and other hardware products integrated based on RFID technology. Combined with the RFID-based aircraft maintenance tool management system, it can effectively strengthen the The management of easily lost tools, through the management of borrowed tools, returned tools, tool storage management, query and statistics, personnel information management, etc. in the process of aircraft maintenance tool management, realizes the automatic and intelligent management of aircraft maintenance tools.


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