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RFID technology enhances agriculture and endows it with a new ecosystem

RFID technology enhances agriculture and endows it with a new ecosystem

Mar 7,2024

With the digital development of agriculture in our country, the appearance of agricultural production has been completely transformed, including greenhouse planting, soilless cultivation, and mechanized management; And RFID data collection technology also enables the entire agricultural cultivation, planting, and transportation to achieve information and systematic management, endowing agriculture with new development and ecology.

1 Application of RFID technology in tea garden management

Anji white tea, as one of the famous green tea varieties in China, establishes a unified digital identity card through the use of RFID electronic tags, and records information such as the origin, growth environment, manager, and picking time of Anji white tea in the RFID tag. The manager uses this data to achieve data analysis and application, effectively guiding the development and management of the industry.


2 Application of RFID technology in vegetable cultivation

The application of RFID technology in vegetable food management can involve data management in the planting process and site data management in the circulation process. In the planting process, RFID electronic tags with category, growth time, growth environment, and farm information are installed on pallets. When vegetables are harvested, this information will accompany them into the circulation process and ultimately reach consumers; Beneficial for ensuring consumers purchase green vegetables and peace of mind vegetables.

3 Application of RFID technology in animal husbandry


The application of RFID technology in the livestock industry is beneficial for improving the efficiency of daily management of pastures. By combining RFID ear tags with readers, real-time animal activity information can be collected. By using this data, managers can effectively guide the healthy development of pastures, achieve information management of breeding farms, and promote the intelligent transformation and upgrading of pastures.

4 Application of RFID technology in nursery planting

Nursery planting is mostly done manually, and most of it relies on personal experience to complete the entire process of cultivation, planting, transportation, warehousing, wholesale and sales, without any automated or systematic management. The application of RFID technology can achieve real-time recording of nursery growth data, automatic recording of nursery transplanting, and fertilization records, effectively reducing daily inspection workload. At the same time, it can also achieve real-time inventory of nurseries, reduce nursery theft rates, and achieve automated and systematic management of nursery planting.

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