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Introduction to the application of RFID in paper file management

Introduction to the application of RFID in paper file management

Nov 30,2021
RFID intelligent file management is to paste RFID file tags on file boxes, file bags, and single-page files to realize the intelligent management of file entry, inventory, borrowing and returning, positioning, security and anti-theft. The main management methods are:
1.Large-scale file management refers to ordinary file management with more than 100,000 copies or not very important. Paste RFID tags on the files, and use Yanzeo SR788 reader at the borrowing and returning position to realize rapid identification of borrowing and returning, RFID safety doors are used in key positions for file security management, and the use of file inventory trucks or SR3000U PDA to achieve file inventory positioning, which is a cost-controllable file management release;
2.Boxed file management, install passive light-emitting RFID tags (LED) in each file box, install Yanzeo SR681 on the file racks, Locate files in real time and light up the corresponding RFID tags when it needs to be borrowed. RFID tags, to achieve rapid positioning of archive boxes, mainly suitable for small and medium-sized archives that are frequently used;
3.Single-page file management is mainly for confidential files and personnel files with high confidentiality and high security requirements. File tags are pasted on each page of files, and Yanzeo SR891 RFID reader are installed in the cabinet to identify files in real time;
4.License management is mainly for important licenses such as automobile qualification certificates, bank seal cards, biological blood collection cards, bank mortgage documents, etc., stored in a smart filing cabinet equipped with Yanzeo SR781 reader to realize automatic inventory, positioning, and rapid 
accurately realize borrowing and returning.
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