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Sportswear suppliers believe that RFID has a high return on investment

Sportswear suppliers believe that RFID has a high return on investment

Jan 15,2024

Using RFID can recoup costs in the first year, and sportswear suppliers believe that RFID has a high return on investment. In the digital wave, various industries are facing the challenge of improving production efficiency and optimizing operational management. Proteme Sports, a clothing manufacturer based in Seattle, has successfully solved this problem by introducing RFID technology.

The troubles of sportswear suppliers

As a professional custom sportswear supplier, Protime Sports needs to handle a large number of orders every day. However, traditional tracking methods require employees to spend a lot of time searching for lost goods, which undoubtedly increases production costs and reduces production efficiency. To address this issue, Protome collaborated with Xemelgo to develop an RFID based work order management system.


How RFID solves the problems of sportswear suppliers

The system adopts ultra-high frequency RFID technology, allowing every order to be tracked in real-time. From imported blank team uniforms to adding sponsor team badges and player names and numbers according to orders, every step can be updated with information through RFID readers. This not only makes the status of each order transparent, but also greatly reduces the time for employees to search for goods.

In addition, Xemelgo's software platform has been integrated with Protome's existing QuickBooks management software, achieving seamless data integration. This enables RFID data to perfectly match existing software systems, further improving work efficiency.

In some congested production areas, employees can also use handheld RFID readers for order positioning. Simply download the application on your mobile device, enter the item you want to search for, and the application will immediately provide the specific location of the item. This undoubtedly provides great convenience for employees working in busy environments.

Despite encountering some challenges during the installation process, such as selecting a powerful reader that can be deployed from the ceiling down in a high ceiling environment, all of this effort was worthwhile. The installation of this system not only greatly reduces the time for employees to search for orders, but also improves production efficiency and optimizes operational management.


The investment return on RFID systems is not low

Although it requires a certain initial installation cost, the investment return rate of RFID system is also very considerable, and the saved employee time and improved production efficiency undoubtedly bring greater benefits to Protome. The head of Protome stated that the company has seen investment returns. He estimates that this technology can not only recoup costs in the first year, but also allow the growing company to avoid hiring people who are looking for orders and trademarks.

In today's highly competitive market environment, any measures that can improve production efficiency and optimize operational management are necessary. RFID technology is precisely such a solution. It not only simplifies the production process and improves production efficiency, but also enables enterprises to better serve customers and improve customer satisfaction.


In conclusion

For other clothing manufacturers, the successful experience of Proteme Sports undoubtedly provides a good reference. By introducing RFID technology, not only can one improve their own production efficiency and optimize operational management, but they can also maintain a leading position in fierce market competition. Therefore, for enterprises that hope to improve production efficiency and optimize operational management, RFID technology is undoubtedly a worthwhile choice to consider. Although early RFID deployments were mainly adopted by large companies with considerable budgets, many small and medium-sized companies have now found that the return on investment for this technology is actually very high.

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