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Why WMS Barcode Warehouse Management System So Popular?

Why WMS Barcode Warehouse Management System So Popular?

Apr 18,2022
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  • The traditional warehouse management work efficiency is low. In terms of goods warehousing, when the goods arrive in the warehouse, it takes a lot of time to check the purchase order and delivery order one by one. Position, fill in the warehousing slip for warehousing, and finally fill in the warehousing information in the computer to increase the number of goods in stock, the whole workflow is complicated and tedious. Very time consuming and error prone.


  • WMS barcode warehouse management system is a warehouse management system that uses barcodes or RFID tags to manage warehouses in the form of automatic identification, which can standardize warehouse management modes.
  • By using the automatic identification technology of the system, the product information can be quickly collected, uploaded to the system in time, and provide accurate data support for the enterprise in time, such as real-time inventory data, outbound and inbound data can be clearly viewed in the system;
  • Using the WMS bar code warehouse management system can quickly improve the efficiency of warehouse personnel in receiving and delivering goods; for example, when goods are put into storage, using a PDA handheld terminal to download the goods purchase order and then scan the goods list can quickly and automatically check the goods information, inventory the goods faster, through the Using the PDA to scan the barcode of the goods can quickly complete the inventory work of the goods, while using the PDA to take inventory, the inventory information of the goods has been uploaded in real time, and the inventory status of the goods can be updated in time, which greatly improves the work efficiency. When the product is out of the warehouse, you only need to download the order from the PDA handheld terminal, use the PDA to find the precise location of the product, and scan it out of the warehouse.


  • In addition, the WMS barcode warehouse management system can be connected with different types of e-commerce platforms and directly transmit orders to the warehouse system. Warehouse personnel can download orders through PDA handheld terminals and then deliver the orders in real time, which improves the delivery efficiency of the e-commerce industry and improves the corporate image. For the production and manufacturing industry, enterprises need to produce products, and in the later stage, they also hope that the manufacturer can also use the system. For example, the production workers in each workshop have their own fixed barcode labels, and the staff sticks on each finished product. The production of a product is completed by attaching a barcode label (the label information includes product information, and producer information, etc.), this step can be used to help the production worker count the number of products produced (for calculating wages), or it can be used for enterprises. The later responsibility traceability provides convenience, so that workers who need to be responsible for the quality of their own products will make products more seriously and make the product quality better.

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